We provide our customers with the latest and most relevant technical information for all our products here. EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R280 MANUAL Pdf Download. When i use the advanced b&w photo setting in my product driver, which color management settings should i select in photoshop? The r280 s auto photo correction with face detection will certainly enhance the pictures for printing, so you obtain the very best print feasible from each picture. Shortly after in 1994, epson released the first high resolution color inkjet printer 720 720 dpi was considered as a high resolution, the epson stylus color p860a utilizing the micro piezo head technology.

It has a 5760 x 1440dpi maximum resolution and an eleven seconds print speed applied on 4 äö ñ â x 6 äö ñ â photos photographs, which is conveniently fast. Specifications, you re a cd/dvd using options. If you are in the market for a basic photo printer i can highly recommend this epson r280. View a manual of the epson stylus photo r280 below. If you see a setup, printer, or options button, click it. So wait for that and connect only when it asks you to connect. This disk contains drivers and utilities for your printer. Follow the onscreen instructions to connect your printer to the wireless network.Download Now EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R280 SERIES DRIVER.In the Wi-Fi setup wizard, give your SSID and password and click on OK.To fill in your SSID and the network password, click on show network password in the computer connected to the same wireless network.If not, then in the opening screen, click on next.Follow the onscreen instructions and your epson stylus photo r280 printer will automatically gets connected to your computer through wireless network.Click on Wi-Fi auto connect and click on next.